Technology & Design
S. Keown (Head of Department)
P. Crozier (Teacher)
A. McGlinchey (Technician)
Key Stage Three
The Technology and Design Department aims to provide all KS3 pupils with the following opportunities:
To research and investigate the design and manufacture of products to provide creative and realistic solutions for a range of design challenges.
Help students become effective and independent learners who can present their learning confidently and coherently.
develop decision-making skills through individual and collaborative working.
evaluate their own work and implement changes to bring about improvement in their learning.
The philosophy of the department is to develop each pupil equally and provide opportunity and challenge so they can achieve their full potential. All KS3 pupils have two periods of Technology and Design per week (1hour 10 mins). They enjoy a varied curriculum over the three years as outlined in the table below.
Year 9
Year 8
Year 10
What is Technology?
Acrylic Timetable Project
Pen Project/CAD- Solid works
Mobile Phone Holder Project
End of Year STEM Project
Graphics - Perspectice and
Orthographic Drawing
Nightlight Project
CAD - Solid Works
Mechanical Toy Project
End of Year STEM Project
Graphics - Isometric Drawing
Easel Project
ICT Task - CAD - Solid Works
CAD/CAM Project
End of Year STEM/Design Project
GCSE Technology and Design
At Omagh Academy, we offer the CCEA Technology and Design: Product Design GCSE. Pupils will have four/ five periods of Technology and Design per week. Pupils will complete three main units which are explained below.
Unit One: Technology and Design Core Content: 25%
1 hour 30 minutes
External written examination - 10 Questions
This unit is compulsory. It comprises of designing, manufacturing, electronics, mechanical control systems, computer control systems and pneumatic systems and control. Pupils studying the core should be able to recognise, name and draw all the symbols shown in Appendix 2 of the revised specification.
Unit Two: Option C: Product Design: 25%
1 hour 30 minutes
External written examination
In this unit, pupils are given the opportunity to explore in detail the design and innovation of products, materials and manufacturing techniques used in the production of products and the social responsibility and market influences involved in the design process.
Unit Three: Design and Manufacturing Project: 50%
Controlled Assessment: Design Project and Portfolio – Internally assessed/ externally moderated.
All pupils must complete this unit of work. This controlled assessment task involves pupils designing and manufacturing an innovative and sustainable product as well as documenting this process in a portfolio which is then submitted to CCEA for moderation.
Skills developed
Identify needs, produce possible solutions and provide material and construction details.
Present ideas using sketches and Information Technology to produce working drawings.
Manufacture products in a safe and correct manner, also develop the skills to select the most appropriate materials.
To be able to identify the most appropriate system to control a product.
Careers Note
Technology and Design is useful for any of the following careers: Engineering: Aeronautical; Civil; Mechanical; Design; Electrical/ Electronic, Building Control, Surveying, Renewable Energy, Health and Safety, Teaching, Planning and many more.
AS/ A Level
At Key Stage 5 level, the Technology and Design Department offers the CCEA Technology and Design: Product Design at AS and A2 level. At AS level, Product Design is delivered over eight periods per week and the A2 level, Product Design is delivered over nine periods per week.
At AS level, pupils must successfully complete two modules. A further two modules must be successfully completed at A2 level.
Unit AS1: Product Design (25%)
This unit is a study of product design, including materials and their processing. Product Design includes: safety, designing, product analysis and improvement and intellectual property rights.
This unit is assessed in the form of a written examination. Pupils will have 2 hours to complete the assessment for this unit. Assessment of this unit will take place at the end of Year 13. Pupils’ work in this unit will be externally moderated.
Unit AS2: Product Development - Coursework (25%)
The emphasis in this unit is on the analysis and development of an existing product with a view to re-design either the product or an aspect of it.
Pupils will produce a 3-Dimensional model or prototype which represents the practical outcome of the product analysis and development.
A portfolio should accompany the practical component and will consist of ten A3 pages.
This unit is assessed in the form of Controlled Assessment. Pupils will have 45 hours to complete the assessment for this unit. Assessment of this unit will take place at the end of AS. Pupils’ works in this unit will be internally assessed and externally moderated.
Unit A22: Product Design & Manufacture - Coursework (25%)
In this unit, pupils are required to design and manufacture a technological product.
Students must identify a problem or need and ensure it provides sufficient scope to meet the assessment criteria. A technological product must have an energy source to make it function and include a control system comprising input, process and output. A portfolio should accompany the practical component which consists of 20 A3 pages. This unit is assessed in the form of Controlled Assessment. Pupils will have 60 hours to complete the assessment for this unit.
Assessment of this unit will take place at the end of Year 14. Pupils’ work in this unit will be internally assessed and externally moderated.
Unit A21: Product Design (25%)
This unit involves pupils in and in-depth study of Product Design and Practice including: environmental issues, marketing, selling products, design and ICT in manufacture and the work of product designers.
This unit is assessed in the form of a written examination. Pupils will have 1 hour to complete the assessment for this unit. Assessment of this unit will take place at the end of Year 13. Pupils’ work in this unit will be externally assessed.
Careers Note
Technology and Design A-level is fully accepted by universities. It is particularly useful for pupils wishing to study or follow a career in Aeronautical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Designer, Architecture and Technology and Design Teaching and many more.
Extra- curricular Activities
The Technology and Design Department offers some extra-curricular activities throughout the academic year. The department organises various lunch-time and after-school clubs: - Craft Club and Extra study support for GCSE and AS/A level pupils. We also like to enter any competitions that are available throughout the year. The department provides work experience opportunities with local businesses and invite guest speakers into the department which are relevant to the subject.