School Council
The Omagh Academy School Council, comprised of a Junior Student Council and Senior Student Council, is committed to facilitating an active pupil voice under the direction of Mrs A. Lennox.
Our Student Council provides an opportunity for pupils to have an input into school life. Meeting at least once each month, the pupils discuss issues, propose changes and listen to others’ viewpoints. Proposals are then taken to the Senior Leadership Team for consideration and pupil representatives present back to all pupils in their form class following meetings.
There are two student councils, made up of one pupil representative from each form class: Junior Student Council (Year 8-10) and Senior Student Council (Year 11-14). The Junior Council meetings are Chaired by our Deputy School leaders while Senior Council meetings are chaired by our Head Girl and Head Boy.
Alongside formal meetings, class representatives are involved in the organisation and promotion of various activities throughout the school year. Everything organised by and for the team has the ultimate goal of developing young leadership skills, whilst supporting student democracy. This includes leadership training, charity work, team building events, anti-bullying work, promotion of safer internet use and ultimately making a difference in our school community!