We invite you to Omagh Academy's Carol Service on Tuesday 13th December at 7.30pm in St Columba's Church, Omagh.
We are delighted to return to the church again (2019 was our last service there!) and we are so thankful for the warm welcome we receive from St Columba's.
Students from Years 8-14 will perform in the choirs and instrumental ensembles and will join with narrators & readers to encourage us to 'Celebrate Christmas!' A festive supper will be served in the Hall afterwards.
It is our custom to collect a freewill offering for charity and this year we have chosen to support the vital work of Air Ambulance NI.
As the season of Advent begins, and our community reflects on the themes of Hope - Peace - Joy - Love, we encourage you to put 13th December in your diary and plan to attend.
We are excited - perhaps a little nervous - to return to a large-scale event and know that pupils & ourselves really value your support and attendance.