What is a Nuffield Research Placement?
4-6 weeks in a real research environment during the summer holidays
Work on your own project alongside researchers
Gain valuable experience and skills in STEM research in wide range of placements
Do any of these apply to you?
Are you in Year 13 and studying AS levels/BTEC?
Are you studying science, technology, engineering, maths or social science subject? Do you enjoy STEM subjects?
Are you getting good results so far?
Do you want to be involved in real research?
Do you want to pursue a STEM subject at university?
Do you like work that makes you think? Do you love solving problems? Are you up for a challenge?
For a £100 per week bursary you one of these must apply to you -
From a home with a combined income below £30,000 per year.
And/or are in receipt of, or entitled to, the EMA payment.
And/or are in receipt of, or entitled to, free school meals, or have been in the last six years.
And/or living, or have lived, in local authority care.
First in the family to go University (excluding older brothers or sisters).
For more information, go to the PowerPoint and find out more. Details have also been emailed to all Year 13 pupils. If you would like to apply, please see Mr Hamilton before the end of this term.