Health & Social Care
A Braden (Head of Department)
C Hempton
G Fraser
GCE Health and Social Care is an exciting course that allows students to gain knowledge and understanding of the health, social care and early years sectors.
These sectors are major employers in the public, voluntary and private sectors in Northern Ireland. This broad based qualification gives students the opportunity to study an eclectic range of subjects relevant to these sectors, including communication, physiology, social policy and psychology.
Many students with a qualification in GCE Health and Social Care go on to degree-level study in a variety of subjects such as health studies, social policy, social science, social studies, psychology, nursing and/or social work.
A Level
CCEA Health & Social Care (Single Award)
AS 1: Promoting Quality Care
Internal assessment
Students produce a written report based on practice in a health, social care or early years setting that they have experienced.
25% AS
10% of A Level
AS 2: Communication in Health, Social Care and Early Years Settings
Internal assessment
Students produce a written report based on communication in a health, social care or early years setting that they have experienced.
25% AS
10 % of A Level
AS 3: Health and Well-Being
External written examination
2 hours
50% of AS
20% of A Level
A2 3: Providing Services
External written examination based on pre-release material
2 hours
30% of A Level
A2 4: Public Health & Health Promotion
Internal assessment
Students produce a report on health improvement priorities in Northern Ireland, undertake a health promotion activity and report their findings.
15% of A Level
A2 5: Supporting the Family
Internal assessment
Students produce a review of changes to family structure, a case study and a report on services for families experiencing issues.
15% of A Level
Links with the Community
The Health and Social Care Department continues to enjoy links with the local community. As part of the AS Level Health and Social Care Course, Omagh Academy pupils carry out work experience to give pupils an insight into the functioning of a nursing home and primary school setting, plus enjoying a visit from a guest speaker, in order to complete coursework. This is a worthwhile and vital experience for the pupils which also builds excellent relationships between our school and the local community.
‘Community Care’
The Community Care Programme is an extra-curricular activity for Year 13 & 14 pupils which promotes friendships between young people and older people. Each week the pupils visit older people in a local nursing home – Harold McCauley House.
Pupils benefit from this programme and their visits has heightened their awareness and understanding of how older people have contributed to society. They enjoy the experience as it builds and maintains friendships and gives them the opportunity to learn about older people’s experiences. Through this programme our pupils develop commitment and reliability. Some of the activities undertaken by the Year 13 & 14 pupils include talking, reading, bingo, board games, playing musical instruments, assisting with activities such as baking, concerts, Christmas parties, etc.
The programme runs from October to February and even when the programme has officially ended some pupils continue to visit the new friends they have made. The programme is organised by Mrs A Braden and she is very grateful to the pupils who take part and to the residents of the Nursing Home for allowing the pupils to visit them.
*Please note that this programme is currently suspended due to the covid-19 pandemic restrictions. We hope to resume this programme as soon as possible.