Mrs A. Lennox (Head of Department)
Department Aims

Variety of expert speakers who will broaden your knowledge of the industry.
Up-to-date and current Agri-food industry issues and topics.
Factory and farm visits to broaden your knowledge of the ‘field-to-fork system’ and potential career pathways within these industries.
Competitions and Farming/Agri-food news.
In 2019, student James Hawkes achieved top overall mark in GCSE Agriculture and Land Use in Northern Ireland.
He was also presented with the ‘Harper Adams Award’.

In 2021, Omagh Academy received two awards from Harper Adams University. Mr Basil Bayne (Student Support Co-ordinator for HA) handed over the two Galway Crystal Vases to Mrs Maxwell. These awards will be presented to the top GCSE and top Alevel Agriculture Students each year on Speech Day.

Pictured are joint top GCSE students of 2021: James Fleming, Ben Henderson and Joshua Keys along with Mrs Maxwell, Mrs Lennox and Mr Basil Bayne.

Our GCSE Agriculture and Land Use is an applied qualification in which students develop knowledge, understanding and skills through practical demonstration and/or in a context related to employability.

BTEC Level Equivalent
(pearson edexcel btec level 3 National extended certificate in Agriculture)
Four units to be completed over two years. This includes 75 hours of work experience with an employer in the sector, where opportunities will be given to develop practical skills in preparation for employment.

The Agriculture Department at Omagh Academy aims to provide students with up-to-date and relevant Agriculture education, equipping them with life-long skills. Subject content is supplemented by the GrassRoots Agriculture Club in the school.
Farm Visits
Expert Speakers
Factory Tours

Visit to Jason Mitchell’s Farm and Energy company (Greenville Dairies).
Northern Ireland has a strong rural tradition, with almost 75 percent of land used for agricultural purposes. The agri-food industry contributes hugely to the local economy, representing employment for around 50,000 people in farms, factories and the Agri-food sector.
Students with qualifications in Agriculture often go on to have interesting and successful careers in the Agri-food industry – one of Northern Ireland’s largest employers.
Other job examples include estate or farm management, agricultural consultancy, agricultural sales, surveyor in rural practice, agronomist or feed nutritionist.
2020 - 2021 Events

Lynsay Hawkes – Communications at Ulster Farmers’ Union

Richard Henderson – Head of Agriculture, Abbey Autoline

Visit to former pupil Andrew Wright’s Dairy Farm